Growing On....

The time has come Neighbors...Stump Farms is on the move!

Stump Farms

4/1/20222 min read

April 8 at 8:44 AM ·

Good morning Neighbors!Today is the day we have some bitter sweet news to share with you all....The past several months we have been rethinking the way we farm and and our vision going forward.

Many of you know the struggle we have had securing grant funding & capital to grow but we have always found a way to make our dreams come true regardless. The strong support of our community gave us the ability and strength to build our once tiny garden into a fully profitable working farm and full time career for us both. Endlessly...Thank you!!

Last September we ventured to North Carolina for a family retreat. We have always viewed it as an ideal farming community and after seeing farms as well as exploring & experiencing several areas for ourselves, we were in love! Our intention was always to expand, add a store and fine tune our eco-friendly farming skills. We never longed to get 1 or 2 products into a grocery store, but to better yet be the grocery store family's can purchase clean produce, bread, milk, eggs and diverse products from. With this dream comes the need for more room and more funding.

Always ones to find a way, we have made the decision to sell our farm. We have already shared this with many of you and expressed our mixed emotions about leaving such a caring & inclusive community but the pull for a new adventure and opportunity to grow has had us captivated since last September. Profits from selling our farm will allow us what is needed to buy vital equipment, tunnels & more land!

What does this mean? Things are moving swiftly and on time which unfortunately has left us with just a few market weekends left and only two weeks before we close up our farm gates for the last time. This weekend will be our last at Tamina & the following weekend will be our final market at Tomball & Galveston. We wish deeply that this process allowed more time, but it just hasn't.

The past 5 years have been the best adventure we could've ever imagined. Our family thrived making a huge career leap and it was everything we never knew we needed. Through the beginning to the end, we have collected a huge network of caring friends and incredible customers, many turned friends.

We hope we have helped you grow in some way as well, that you have enjoyed the flavors we have delivered weekly, that the plants purchased from our farm stand are still thriving and that your continued support of small family farms stays strong.So let's stay in touch! We will absolutely be documenting our journey as we build a new and proficient farm from the soil up. Thank you so much dear friends for letting us serve you and trusting us with your taste buds. We can't wait to share with you all of the amazing things we will have growin" on for our future farm♡

Kevin & Alicia

PS:Feel free to message us order requests or use the website though next week! We will be temporarily closing our online store until we get our new kitchen up! Message us your order requests asap so we can get those filled.

Remember, our products are shelf stable so order as much as you'd like. But we should be back up a shipping in a few months.

We own our farm name! None of our social will be changing and you can follow us on YouTube while we document rambling life and the process of buying and starting our new farm!! Or, keep checking in on us here.

Although we are closing our farm, we will be in Magnolia until the end of May. We hope to see you around before we begin our journey :)